In my devotion this morning, I was reading in Proverbs 1. Verses 22-24 spoke volumes to me. If you’re struggling today, this week, or maybe even this entire year, I encourage you to mediate on these scriptures.
22"How long, O naive ones, will you love being simple-minded?
And scoffers delight themselves in scoffing
And fools hate knowledge?
23"Turn to my reproof,
Behold, I will pour out my spirit on you;
I will make my words known to you.
24"Because I called and you refused,
I stretched out my hand and no one paid attention;
How real is your faith today? Is it just head knowledge with no heart? Who or what is your source of knowledge? Understand that knowledge is important, but the knowledge that we gain from a living and holy God who is working in our lives daily is more important than any other knowledge we can gain.
In my case, I’m hearing lots of voices, lots of opinions, offering a form of knowledge, but I need to get my knowledge from my living, breathing, and holy God.
That leads me to some other questions. Where is your spiritual walk? Do you even have a spiritual walk? What defines a spiritual walk in your lives? Think about these questions.
When is the last time that you spent time with God in a quiet place with no distractions? When is the last time you studied the word of God for any length of time? Most of us probably spend less than 20 minutes, 2-3 times a week, in a devotion time. Some may not spend anytime at all. If the latter is the case, how can we know our heavenly father if we don’t spend any time getting to know Him?
When is the last time you gave God control of your life--not just in the difficult days, but in the good days--so when you face difficulties you’re already in communion with Him? You usually can tell where a person is spiritually when they walk through dark days in their life.
When is the last time you said, “God, you lead the way because I can’t do it on my own?” This is an uncomfortable place for us because it’s about control. We want control of our lives and most of the time we think we’re in control. We need to give God control and move to the side and see what he can do with a broken spirit.
When is the last time you sat back and waited on God to show you the way instead of doing it your way? This requires patience in our lives. We must get away from the immediate pressing need and be able to look ahead to the plan God has for us.
How many times has God called us and wanted to reveal his plan for our lives, but we plainly refused to answer even when his arms were stretched out in front of us ready and willing to accept us just the way we are? How many of us pray for our own selfish needs and neglect the needs of others around us like co-workers, neighbors, and friends? Would God like to use your testimony, talents, or time to help someone around you? Have you even allowed Him to use anything in your life, lately? It’s time to review our relationship with a God who wants us to know Him!
My daughter, Maggie Maye, who is 4, was walking with my wife yesterday. She turned to her mom and had the following conversation.
Maggie Maye: “Did you know that Jesus is everywhere?”
Heather: “Well, yes, sweet pea. He is everywhere.”
Maggie Maye: “But did you know that He is walking right beside us, right now? We just can’t see Him because He is inbisible (invisible), but I know He is right here. Look! I just know it!”
Today, I challenge you to review your spiritual journey. Do you have a genuine relationship with a holy God? Are you aware of Him walking right beside you everywhere you go? Would it affect the choices you make or the places you go or the words you say? Don’t look at someone else’s life? Look and be willing to point the finger back at yourself. Do some self evaluation in your own life. If you are married, ask your spouse what they notice. You may be surprised by what they say. Then, begin to ask God to pour out his spirit on you today. His mercies are new every morning!
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